Our Plans

We have a rough idea of our travel plans.  Commence in South East Asia by visiting my cousin James and his family in Jakarta, Indonesia.  We are now flying from Jakarta to Kuala Lumpur for a week and then onto Phnom Penh. We stay a few days in Phnom Penh before heading to the Singing Kites School for 2 weeks.  After volunteering we will continue on a foodie/sightseeing tour of Cambodia, Vietnam, Laos, Hong Kong, China and anywhere else we can get to on the cheap. Japan (Too expensive for a short trip)

In Europe we hope to meet up with some Rotary Exchange Students friends, from my year as an exchange student in America in 1993.  We will celebrate Midsummer in Sweden with my friend Kinney and her family then travel around Europe on a whim!  Turkey and Croatia are high on my list and we have friends in Luxembourg, Denmark and Belgium to catch up with. The last month we will spend in England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales to visit some of Steve’s old university mates and trace our ancestral routes.

Finally, North America to see some amazing National Parks, visit my Rotary families and friends in Ohio and Florida and then of course … Disney World.  I look forward to introducing my husband and sons to the delights of Halloween, Thanksgiving and a white Christmas.

Our itinerary is not rigid.  This way we can take advantage of hidden treasures discovered along the way; travel advice from fellow travelers and travel deals that come up.