13 Mar

Days 28 – 30 in Battambang (Photos are here!)

Posted By: Baigrie Family in Cambodia, General    

Why were we heading here? The famed bamboo railway. Our bus journey to Battambang was only 3 hours luckily because the bus airconditioning was dodgy, no toilet and the only rest stop had feral squat toilets and food you wouldn’t consider eating. Luckily we had a supply of 2 minute noodles for the boys to crunch.

We arrived in Battambang in the heat of the day. Again as we...

13 Mar

Days 24 – 28 Siem Reap (Photos are here!)

Posted By: Baigrie Family in Cambodia, General    

Back again and I apologise for my tardiness in writing. We have been very busy but I have also been a little lazy! 

Our last day in Phnom Penh was a quiet one. We took a slow 2 hour boat ride into the Mekong which wasn’t that exciting to be enthralling after all.  Harris and I joined our last session of hip hop and aerobics along the river walkway and we got ready to catch...

10 Mar

Why I want to go to university by Harris Baigrie

Posted By: Baigrie Family in General, Harris's World (Aged 9)    

I’ve seen a lot of jobs this month that I wouldn’t want to do.  I want to go university or I might end up being a:

  • Toilet attendant (collect money so people can go to the toilet then clean the toilets);
  • Car jockey (people stand on the side of the road in Jakarta and you pay them to hop in your car so you can drive in the lane for cars with 3 or more passengers);
  • Floor...

3 Mar

Things we packed that we like!

Posted By: Baigrie Family in General, Packing List, Preparation    

One month of travel, two kids and three countries. We left Australia with 2 large backpacks and 4 smaller day packs between the four of us.  Did we bring enough ‘stuff’?  Yes. Did we bring too much? No, I don’t think so. There isn’t anything that I have come across yet that I think I must ditch at the next opportunity; except for the bottle of shampoo that leaked twice and...

2 Mar

Things I have eaten by Harris Baigrie

Posted By: Baigrie Family in General, Harris's World (Aged 9)    

So far on our trip through Indonesia, Malaysia and Cambodia I have eaten lots of different food and drink. Here is a list of things I have eaten.

  • Mango chicken and rice – 8/10
  • Roti Tissue – 7/10
  • Roti Cani plus curry – 9/10
  • Lok Lak (chicken) – 7/10 at Frizz Restaurant
  • J.Co glazy donut – 10/10
  • Kit Kat Cornetto – 11/10!
  • Red bean steamed bun – 0/10 (Dad loves them)
  • Lotus paste...

27 Feb

Days 20 – 23 in Phnom Penh

Posted By: Baigrie Family in Cambodia, General    

Made it out of KL to Phnom Penh on AirAsia without a hitch. Got picked up at the airport in the hotel car and checked into the Khmer Royal Hotel right on the Tonle Sap River (Thanks Mr Tucker for the recommendation). We got a room overlooking the river walkway and set off on foot to find food.  The highlight of the evening was watching the hip hop dance lesson and aerobics...

24 Feb

Days 18 – 19 – Kuala Lumpur

Posted By: Baigrie Family in General, Malaysia    

Our last two days in Malaysia were lots of fun. Monday 21st February, our host Christina took us out for a traditional Indian breakfast – yum!  We were joined by a lovely family from China – hi to Roger and family. 

Roger and family from China joining us for an Indian breakfast.

Christina took me into the neighbouring temple and explained the rituals when they...

24 Feb

Days 15 – 17 in Kuala Lumpur

Posted By: Baigrie Family in General, Malaysia    

Wow, we have been busy and have not had much time to think about writing a post until now; plus it is quite time consuming and frustrating at times to master the web program.

 We had a wonderful time sightseeing in Kuala Lumpur and met some great people that really were a highlight of our stay. We crammed in a lot of wonderful experiences during our time. Here are some of...

18 Feb

Day 12 – Kuala Lumpur

Posted By: Baigrie Family in General, Malaysia    

Our first full day of fun in KL started early with a breakfast wake up call from Anita at Galloway Flat with our breakfast, freshly made roti, curry and dhal with some bananas on the side. The boys tucked in heartily and polished of their share and looked for more; just the kind of energy they needed to catch up on some homework!

We then gathered our guidebooks and...

18 Feb

Day 14 – Menara KL Tower and Berjaya Times Square Mall

Posted By: Baigrie Family in General, Malaysia    

Today we ate noodles and roti for breakfast!  We are still working out the transport system and changed our plans to go to the KL Tower and the surrounding forest first today.  

Menara KL Tower, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

We made it to the Bukit Nanas Forest Reserve and then walked 300 steps up through the forest and across a suspension bridge to the Menara KL Tower centre. ...

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