4 Dec

Critter spotting in The Chronicle

Posted By: Baigrie Family in General, The Chronicle, United States of America    

Here is the link to my critter spotting article I wrote for The Chronicle newspaper.  We have had so much fun spotting creatures great and small all over the world.  Check out the link to see some great photos.


Here are Steve, Harris and Patrick at Shark Valley Visitor Centre in Everglades...

3 Dec

Naples, Florida

Posted By: Baigrie Family in General, United States of America    

After leaving Orlando on 1st December we headed for Naples on the Gulf Coast of Florida. As you may have read already, we stopped and did a spot of manatee spotting on the way and then on our first day in Naples we drove to Sanibel Island to do some shell collecting.  What else did we do in Naples? 

  • Hung out at the hotel pool and gym and ate a hearty breakfast every...

3 Dec

Preparing for home

Posted By: Baigrie Family in General, Going Home, Preparation    

As we countdown the weeks until we go home, we are starting to think about a new list of things to do.  Whilst this list is not as big a list as when we were preparing to leave the country, it is still a substantial and important list of ‘stuff’.  Here are some of the things that we need to consider to make the transition to our ‘regular’ lives of work, school and running a...

3 Dec

Tribute to my Uncle John

Posted By: Baigrie Family in General    

For the last week my Uncle John was critically ill in Sydney’s Royal Prince Alfred Hospital.  His list of ‘conditions’ were horrendous and we wondered if it was possible to overcome such obstacles.  This morning he lost his battle and died peacefully in hospital.  His loss saddens us all.  My husband and sons never got to meet him and I have not seen him for many years. ...

3 Dec

Theme park tips for The Chronicle

Posted By: Baigrie Family in General, The Chronicle, United States of America    

Here is my latest article for The Chronicle newspaper in Toowoomba:


2 Dec

Sanibel Island, Florida

Posted By: Baigrie Family in General, United States of America    

What do you do when you stay in Naples, Florida?  You drive an hour north to Sanibel Island to see their famous shelly beaches.  The best of their beach runs east-west rather than north-south so they become a dumping ground for shells. These beaches are covered in shells and often the shells form large drifts.  It was certainly worth the drive to see them all.  We found one...

1 Dec

Manatees in Florida

Posted By: Baigrie Family in General, United States of America    

On our way south from Orlando to Naples we needed a place for our picnic lunch.  When we saw the sign for ‘Little Manatee River State Park’ we thought we’d turn off the highway to find it.  After a short detour we found ourselves paying a park ranger $5 to enter the park and he gave us a map.  The park was only quite small so we found the picnic area and playground easily...

30 Nov

Day 300!

Posted By: Baigrie Family in General, United States of America    

Recently we celebrated our 300th day of world travel.  Yep, 300!  We were lucky to be staying with our friends, the Beaton Family, in Orlando and were able to enjoy real American pizza and a delicious celebratory cake with them.  Thanks to Dot for ordering such a great cake.  We had a great 300th day at Universal Studios and are counting down the days until we return home...

29 Nov

Quick hello!

Posted By: Baigrie Family in General, United States of America    

Hi!  We haven’t dropped off the face of the Earth; we are just knee deep in theme parks!  We have one more day of Disney and one day of Universal Studios ahead of us; which will mean we have tallied a total of five days of Disney and two days at Universal Studios.  We will need a holiday from our holiday after that!  Will add photos asap. Keep you posted on our next...

24 Nov

Thanksgiving in Florida

Posted By: Baigrie Family in General, The Chronicle, United States of America    

Happy Thanksgiving!

I will add the link for my blog in The Chronicle as soon as it is published online.  Here is the link …


Today we celebrated Thanksgiving in America with my first Rotary host family, Gary and Edie and Edie’s 94 year old mother.  We started the day watching the Macy’s Thanksgiving...

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